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Mario's Web Page

Macaw  : :  Male  : :  Adult  : :  X-Large

My Rescue
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About Mario

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Species: Bird
  • General Color: Blue
  • Color: Blue/Gold
  • Current Age: 31 Years 7 Months (best estimate)

Mario is a beautiful , male , Blue & Gold Macaw. Est. Birthday August 1993.

He is quite a large boy, but is very calm and loving .
He will step up , but mainly women.  Has a special connection to the lady's
Loves head and neck rubs, and will take food from just about anyone 
He loves to be out of his cage, either on top or on a bird stand.
Also enjoys windows with a view.
Men are not a fav of his , and although wont go after them aggressivly, will try and bite if they force interaction. 
His diet is nut a mix with some seeds, pellets, and lots of fresh foods.
He came into rescue due to his owner developing late in life allergies to nuts 
He is a large bird, so noise is something to be very aware of, although he seems quieter than most Macaws we have seen.
He has been around dogs and other birds during his life , and has no problems with either, unless they are treding to close or on his cage. 
He has been seen by the vet, as well as passed his disease testing with flying colors .
Looking for a forever home with large bird experience. No young children, (some larger) dogs and no cats in home is best. 
He tends to try and get to the smaller animals through the lower cage bars.
Not a good bird for apartments or condo's.
Mario is being fostered in Leonardo , NJ 
Hatch Date EST 1993

If you are interested in adoption please fill our adoption application out at http://ftlob.rescuegroups.org


More about Mario

Is Not Good with Dogs, Not Good with Cats, Is Not Good with Kids

P.O. Box 229 •  Belford, NJ 07718 - 9998  •  (609) 582-4909 •  fortheloveofbirdsnj [ at ] gmail.com