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Pichon's Web Page

Dove  : :  Female

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About Pichon

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Species: Bird
  • General Color: White

Pichon is an all white female ring neck dove. She is a special needs bird as she cannot perch or walk well due to multiple fractures in her pelvis. She may have been stepped on or layed on. She also has severe arthritis in her legs and is being given calcium supplement and UVB light to try and improve her bone density. Per doctor recommendation, she is on an anti-inflammatory medication and will be for life to ease any pain and help her be more mobile. Any adopter would be required to continue medicating her. Fortunately, she takes her medication like a champ. 

What she lacks in locomotion, she makes up for in personality. She is extremely sweet and docile. She likes to be held and have her head stroked. She coos and laughs often. She seems to like human interaction and attention. She is not a strong flier, but will fly to a person she wants to hang out with. She flies forward, sometimes, but also flies backward sometimes. Her foster mom and the avian vet have never seen a bird fly backward before. She is a unique lady. 

We were told that Pichon was found outside and was kept by a family in a small cage since last September. We do not know her age. Due to the advanced arthritis in her legs, the avian vet thinks she is an older lady. She has been DNA tested female. 

Hatch date unknown. 

Pichon is located in Hightstown, NJ.

If you are interested in adoption please fill our small bird adoption application out at ftlob.rescuegroups.org 


P.O. Box 229 •  Belford, NJ 07718 - 9998  •  (609) 582-4909 •  fortheloveofbirdsnj [ at ] gmail.com