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Cockatiel  : :  Male  : :  Senior  : :  Small

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About Peaches

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Species: Bird
  • General Color: Gray
  • Color: Grey
  • Current Age: 24 Years (best estimate)
Hatch Date Estimate: 2001

My name is Peaches. I am a Cockatiel currently in search of a new person. My age is roughly 17 years, 3 months and 14 days. I had a great time with my current person for about a dozen years. Alas, time marches on. We drifted apart……(well, she drifted, I’m in a cage. Nice cage that will be coming with me to my new person’s place. Still, I ain’t drifting too far in a cage.) My current person is no longer a kid and now thinks going to college is important. Go figure……    So, this is an amicable separation. She took the time to explain to me that her schedule (college out of state) and ensuing responsibilities don’t leave much time for her to spend with me. I, naturally, responded with a blank stare as I am a bird and don’t understand any of this.
Enough about the person, let’s talk about me!!!!  

Turn Ons
: I love music and I’ll often sing along. I like people AND CATS!!!!!! The more attention I get the happier I am. I like Bran Flakes and pretzels (as well as standard Cockatiel fare). Also, guilty pleasure,…..I love taking showers in the form of my person squirting me with water from a spray bottle.  (Water, not Windex, that was a bad day. Ha, I kid as I do have a sense of humor)

Turn Offs:
People that judge. I have a minor growth on one of my legs. There are some pretty shallow people out there that think this is a defect. Those people of higher intellect understand that this simply adds character and makes me unique. So, if you believe you could bring the potato salad to the Mensa picnic, you might be smart enough to be my person.
Also, depending on where you want to place the cage in your abode I can function as a Guard Bird and chirp when someone is approaching from the street. My ability to actually protect you and/or your property is hampered somewhat by the whole cage issue. Again, I’m a bird, there are limits.
So, if you believe that you might be qualified to be my person I’ll look forward to interviewing you at your earliest convenience. My schedule is currently pretty open as, again, I’m a bird.
Location: Leonardo NJ 

If you are interested in adoption, please start with our online adoption form at 

Other Pictures of Peaches (click to see larger version):

Peaches Peaches Peaches

P.O. Box 229 •  Belford, NJ 07718 - 9998  •  (609) 582-4909 •  fortheloveofbirdsnj [ at ]