Hatch Date: 2013
Wally is an 11 year old, DNA sexed female, Green Cheek Conure.
Wally is a vocal girl. She LOVES strawberries, grapes and a daily splash in her bath. She also loves to snuggle and sleep with a fuzzy wallet.
She is nippy, (which is common in green cheek conures) and only likes to be handled on her terms.
Wally does not know the step-up command. When a finger is placed in front of her, she doesn't know what to do and will just nip at it.
Wally did not fly when her current family brought her home, however, she h...read more about Wally |
Hatch Date: 2022
Rio is an approximately
2 y/o female Peach-Faced Love
loves to be part of the family environment.
She is not yet
, but her foster home is currently working with her.
She loves attention from everyone.
When she’s out of her
cage she is always exploring and flying around to new places, so she needs supervision.
She’s very vocal and loves to play with the other smaller foster birds in the house.&nbs...read more about Rio |